Teenage - Part 1
Hi! Teenage This is the most awaited years of our life. The more we say the less. Days of short pant to full pant. Your first crush. Your biggest rival. Countless memories. W ell I had almost every emotion for the first time in these years. My whole childhood I would wonder why are these boys wearing full pant & me in these shorts. Looking at em I would feel as if I'm naked. Now this was the level of exaggeration I had when I was tiny. And to top it up I would often see girls & boys talking in one corner once boys come in full pant. Strange! Why can't girls talk with us the same? I had developed this feeling that "Saala Full pant ka kamal hai". As years went by, I understood this was the era of your first crush. Now crush was often termed as LOVE in teenage. Your first love which as we grow & get matured is termed as puppy love. Hahaha.. But there are few who keep up to the puppy love though. N ow was the time when I experienced my first c...