College Days
Hi Guys! Just wanted to share an emotional journey with Walto, my four legged brother. Few college friends but must admit they r one of the best. P unjabi dude, he was crazy & most of the time would be childish. First ever Punjabi guy who would stay away from fights. The great, Parvinder with a very distinct nature. He doesn't mingle much but has always been fulfilling his duties of a good friend. No matter what, he would always be present if anyone of us is not keeping well, not only us in fact our family as well. He has this kind nature that has always kept us connected. S hankar, now this was a specimen. He was good at studies but bad with girls. Hahaha.. he's definitely gonna kill me to expose him. No matter what he does he would manage to score good. But when it comes to girls boom. He would blast it out there. He never had the patience to tackle a girl. Hahaha.. There's lots of memories which...