Deadlift - Foundational Movement

Hi! N ow that we all have a fair idea of what is Crossfit? Let’s focus on one of the 9 Foundational Movement’s i.e. Deadlift. Now why Deadlift? This is one of my favourite foundational movement. Since, not everyone is able to get the right form to perform a deadlift, I would like to share my experience. When I was new to this world of Crossfit I had this fear of the deadlift, but this important lift is one of the best for building total-body strength, size, and athleticism. I consider the barbell deadlift one of the best damned exercises around, period. Whether you want to build muscle, burn fat, increase athleticism, or focus purely on gaining strength, I'd say it's the one movement every lifter must do. T he trouble is, since I was new to the iron I didn’t know how to approach this beneficial barbell lift and use it effectively. Well, I considered my trouble solved! I’ve been guided by my trainer Siddharth Shah very efficiently, was deadlifting like a pro before I knew i...