What is CrossFit, Yoga & Bodybuilding?

Hi Guys! B een away for a while… Actually more than a while… M ost of u’ll must have thought that Canute ain’t gonna write anymore... Well, here I’m coming up with something new… T his blog was originally gonna be me sharing how my 2017 went & blah blah blah… A nd then suddenly I came across a really interesting question lately… Which made me ask myself why? What is Crossfit, Yoga & Bodybuilding? W ell, hope you all have read my “First Step to CrossFit” . If yes, you all are clear about CrossFit. If No, here’s the direct link to the page “ https://sapcrossfit.blogspot.in/2017/05/first-step-to-crossfit.html ” Let’s start with the most relaxing nature… Y oga: This the definition as per Google “A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.” To put it a box, perfect way to relax your mind & body. Now some...