Back from laziness..

H ey guys! Well, its been a long lazy journey since I did my last workout and wrote my last blog. Hoping to use my rusty brains in the right frame of mind, which would make some sense outta my lazy journey. Jotting down things that I want to express..! Let's see..! Shall start with the toughest thing after I had the longest break ever.. I guess it was the mental preparation to convince myself that I've to get back to my schedule of Crossfit and mind it no break! I was fairly able to do that just before the registration for CrossFit open began, now I knew that I was terribly outta shape for participation, nevertheless, I did register but had no clue of how fast I would be able to get fit for it. I began training just 2 weeks before the open with the most basic WOD: 5 rounds of: 20 burpees with break of 1 min This seems to be quite easy but gets the hell outta you. You add 5 reps to each set as days go by, this is the best full body movement ...